Sunday, December 9, 2012

Current Drama Parallels

        When we talked about how the "psychological method" was used in times of slavery and during the Holocaust I couldn't help but think about the current, very popular psycho-drama, Homeland (on shotime). The show was developed after an Israeli series that brought the stories of returning soldiers of war into the homes of Israeli civilians. The lead character in Homeland, Sergeant Nicholas Brody, was a POW that finds himself thrown back into his American life after 8 years of captivity and torture. Not unlike experiences known between slaves and their masters as well as some between Nazi guards and their prisoners, Brody was broken down mentally - tortured, deprived of daily necessities - and eventually, completely broken in mind and spirit, and built slowly back up with an altered mindset by his own torturer and wanted terrorist, Abu Nazir.
        The psychological method is used to manipulate the victim, often to the point of severe loneliness, such that they feel affection for those they should, in fact, dread the most - their torturer! At some point when the abuser decides to refrain from torture, the victim actually begins to feel grateful and sees their (former) torturer as a "good" person. It seems pretty twisted for sure - but, if you're a Homeland groupee, you'll get it pretty quickly.

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